
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Recruitment and connections: Blood and money

American regulators investigate JPMorgan Chase’s hiring in China

OF ALL the investigations and lawsuits affecting financial firms in America, few have wider ramifications than a reported probe by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) into whether JPMorgan Chase hired the children of senior Chinese officials in order to help the bank win business. One recruit was the son of an ex-banking regulator who is now the chairman of the China Everbright Group; another the daughter of a railway official. (JPMorgan Chase has not been accused of wrongdoing and says it is co-operating with the investigation.)

The probe will cause amazement in China, a country in which the idea of guanxi—loosely translated, relationships—is ingrained. Familial connections are rife across government and commerce. The investigation will also cause consternation at Western firms hoping to do business in the country. Investment banks in Hong Kong privately concede that finding a “princeling” who is valuable for reasons other than their connections is the exception, not the rule. Although America’s Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) specifically targets the bribery of government officials, many of China’s largest companies retain strong government ties so may come within its ambit. The SEC’s scrutiny comes after the conviction last August of a Shanghai-based employee of Morgan Stanley for bribing a government official.

Some banks are now considering whether unpaid internships could be considered bribes by American regulators. Even an uncompensated spell at a prestigious firm has genuine value for the recipient, and could provide a useful contact for the bank. If hiring princelings becomes a potential red flag to investigators, banks will presumably have to demonstrate that people are being hired on their own merits. But how to define “merit”? For young employees, the universities they attended are often cited as proof of ability, but in many countries, not least America, entry to the best universities can also be a product of family relationships.

Chinese entities are not the only ones where these issues arise. American investigators are also interested in sovereign-wealth funds, another messy meld of government, commerce and money. Banks will think twice about hiring people with relatives at these funds.

Connections also count in the West, of course. Following initial reports of the SEC’s investigation in the New York Times, a flood of stories have noted the jobs held in politically sensitive American firms by the sprogs of American politicians.

Even when offspring are not involved, the revolving door between the public and private sectors raises questions about why people are hired. JPMorgan Chase did not hire Tony Blair as a senior adviser for his knowledge of risk weights, after all. Mary Schapiro, a former head of the SEC, recently joined Promontory, a consultancy packed with ex-regulators used by banks to cope with regulation (she has said she will not lobby any government body in her new role). If it is unfair to cite these names, it is only because there are so many others. If the regulators genuinely fret about why firms make hiring decisions, they may want to extend their inquiries to Washington, DC, and New York as well.